Our team of specialists offer Executives and Professionals a personalised, and convenient medical service to optimise their physical health and mental wellbeing.
Executive Health is focused on supporting busy executives and professionals. This includes a personalized service to review current health status and guidance to optimize future health outcomes.
Executive Health can work with clients to achieve therapeutic lifestyle changes, reducing risk factors and getting on track for a health lifestyle. This proactive approach is to modify the consequences of previous risk factor behaviour and extend the productive life in both quantity and quality.
How do we do this?
Our team of Specialists in Internal Medicine and assisted by an Allied Team – psychologist, nutritionalist, physio, and personal trainer. This team liaises with the primary doctor to coordinate any ongoing management.
The initial assessment has a tiered process. The Specialist team are happy to discuss whether one or both levels of review suit your needs.
Level 1: Comprehensive overview of health status and baseline investigations. Recommendations for lifestyle management. Referral for specialist review as required.
Level 2: Specialist appointment for complex review and advanced investigations. The Specialist will review clients with complex requirements or identified risks at the Level 1 assessment.

What we do
- Physical exam
- Targeted laboratory work
- Cardiovascular risk assessment and cardiovascular counselling
- Resting electrocardiogram (ECG) – if clinically indicated
- 24 hour ABP – if clinically indicated
- Vaccination Review
- Diet and nutrition counselling
- Lifestyle assessment
Additonal tests we may order
- Radiology – XRAY/CT/MRI/USS etc
- Respiratory – Formal Pulmonary Lung function testing
- Cardio – ETT/Stress ECHO/Coronary calcium score
- Gastro – upper or lower scopes/calprotectin
- Prostate – biopsy/MRI
- Breast – mammogram/USS
- Vision test/ Tonometry screening for glaucoma

Additional Allied Team
- Nurse Specialist
- Nutritionalist
- Psychologists